Sales Quotation
It is a document that lists the prices proposed by a supplier for their goods or services and offered to a potential customer. It also includes the duration in which the service will be completed or the goods delivered or the duration for which it is valid.

Sales Invoice
A Sales Invoice is a bill that you send to your Customers against which the Customer makes the payment. On submission of Sales Invoice, the system updates the receivable and books income against a Customer Account.

Customer Balance & Statements
The customer balance list reports the customers who owe your firm payment, how much they owe and how long it has been since they were sent an invoice for payment.

Customer Advances & Payments
Customer Advances means amounts arising from the operation of the business that have been billed and collected by seller as of the closing date.Customer payment means any payment or payments made by or on the behalf of a customer.

Daily Sales Profit Analysis, Monthly Analysis
Sales and Profit analysis empower you to gain insight into your sales operations, such as your net profit on sales orders including costs and returns or the gross profit on a particular product in a particular region.

Branch Wise Analysis
Branch analysis allows you to analyse long-lived branches and analyse short-lived branches.

Service Invoicing, Customer Project Profit Calculation
Service invoice is a authorized document providing detailed billing information for a transaction where a customer receives a service.

Customer Outstanding Payment Status, Customer Ageing
Accounts receivable aging report is a record that shows the unpaid invoice balances along with the duration for which they've been outstanding. This report helps businesses identify invoices that are open and allows them to keep on top of slow paying clients.

BI (Business Intelligence) Reports, POS (Point of Sales)
Business intelligence includes the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information.
Point of sale discusses the place where a customer executes the payment for goods or services and where sales taxes may become payable.

Multiple Options for Sales Invoicing
Multi-Part Invoicing caters for invoicing part delivered orders and allows a user to record multiple invoices against an order.

Preset Terms & Conditions
Use of simple, polite, and straightforward language. Mentioning the complete details of the firm and the client. Complete details of the product or service, including taxes or discounts.

Set Customer Discount on Each Product
Discount can be provided for a customer on each required product

Sales Executive Benifits
Sales executives are the key point of contact between an organisation and its clients.

Sales Order Status, Enquiry & Scheduling
Sales Order : Sales Order specifies the details about products and/or services ordered by a specific customer along with the price, quantity and terms and conditions.

Customer Delivery Status
Customer delivery status indicates that the carrier has delivered the package right time right customer.